  • Övernaturligt? Oförklarliga händelser


    E-bok, 2018, Svenska, ISBN 9788711740644

    Den femte december 1872 hittades ett spökskepp, vid namn Marie Celeste, som drev runt på havet utanför Azorerna i Atlanten. När fartyget bordades hittade man ingen besättning,

  • Zur Bestimmung von Gut und Böse


    E-bok, 2021, Tyska, ISBN 9783347499904

    Bestimmte Erscheinungen in unserer Realität verlangen nach klarer Erklärung. Es geht nicht bloß um Aggressivität und Gewalt in ihren unterschiedlichen Formen und Gestalten. Es geht

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    E-bok, 2015, Engelska, ISBN 9780826345653

    Now back in print after more than thirty years, The Zunis: Self-Portrayals offers forty-six stories of myth, prophecy, and history from the great oral literature of the Zuni

  • Zombies


    E-bok, 2015, Engelska, ISBN 9781780235646

    Add a gurgling moan with the sound of dragging feet and a smell of decay and what do you get? Better not find out. The zombie has roamed with dead-eyed menace from its beginnings

  • Zombie Culture

    E-bok, 2008, Engelska, ISBN 9781461664369

    Why have zombies resonated so pervasively in the popular imagination and in media, especially films? Why have they proved to be one of the most versatile and popular monster types

  • Zizek's Jokes

    av ,

    E-bok, 2014, Engelska, ISBN 9780262321549

    Zizek as comedian: jokes in the service of philosophy."e;A serious and good philosophical work could be written consisting entirely of jokes."e;-Ludwig WittgensteinThe good

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  • Zinoviev Letter


    E-bok, 2018, Engelska, ISBN 9780191080104
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    This is the story of one of the most enduring conspiracy theories in British politics, an intrigue that still has resonance almost a century later: the Zinoviev Letter of 1924.

  • Zeus Grants Stupid Wishes


    E-bok, 2013, Engelska, ISBN 9781101619674

    Get this:Cronus liked to eat babies.Narcissus probably should have just learned to masturbate.Odin got construction discounts with bestiality.Isis had bad taste in jewelry.Ganesh

  • Zeus


    E-bok, 2006, Engelska, ISBN 9781134406746
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    The first book to capture a complete picture of the most important of Greek gods in one reliable volume for almost seventy years, this masterly and comprehensive study brings a