Film, tv & radio

  • Gender and Seriality


    häftad, 2022, Engelska, ISBN 9781474473965

    Offers the first book-length study to commit to gender and television as driven by seriality Provides an introduction to seriality in both gender studies and cultural/media studies

  • Superhero Blockbusters


    inbunden, 2022, Engelska, ISBN 9781474485180

    Explores the huge commercial success of contemporary superhero blockbusters and develops a critical theory of digital-era popular seriality

  • European Film Remakes

    häftad, 2022, Engelska, ISBN 9781474460651

    Combines historical and contemporary approaches to film remakes in Europe Investigates, next to the textual, socio-cultural and political dimensions, the often neglected

  • Film Reboots

    häftad, 2022, Engelska, ISBN 9781474451376

    'Daniel Herbert and Constantine Verevis' Film Reboots is dedicated to a fundamental question of the form, namely why do reboots exist and what do they do? An impressive array of

  • Hollywood Remakes of Iconic British Films


    inbunden, 2022, Engelska, ISBN 9781474448789

    Hollywood Remakes of Iconic British Films: Class, Gender and Stardom investigates film remaking from the unique perspective of cross-cultural exchange between two countries who

  • Reanimated


    inbunden, 2022, Engelska, ISBN 9781474440646

    Reanimated offers a new perspective on twenty-first century American horror film remakes. Counter to the critical dismissal of genre remakes as derivative rip-offs, Mee approaches