
  • Molecular Embryology

    E-bok, 2008, Engelska, ISBN 9781592592708

    Most people have some interest in embryos; this probably results, in part, from their interest in understanding the biological origins of themselves and their offspring and,

  • Stem Cell Research

    E-bok, 2003, Engelska, ISBN 9781592596744

    A collection of objective essays reviewing the principal arguments for and against stem cell research. Among the issues considered are whether stem cell research treats embryos as

  • Embryo Culture

    E-bok, 2012, Engelska, ISBN 9781617799716

    Assisted reproductive technologies have had a profound impact on biomedical research through transgenic animals, food supply and production, as wells as genetic gain of domestic

  • Human Embryogenesis

    E-bok, 2009, Engelska, ISBN 9781603270090

    Despite its inherent controversy, the exploration of the human embryo can unlock many of the answers to our deepest biological questions. In Human Embryogenesis: Methods and

  • Immunology of Human Pregnancy


    E-bok, 2012, Engelska, ISBN 9781461203612