Domstolar & processordning

  • The Vinson Court


    inbunden, 2004, Engelska, ISBN 9781576072011

    Spanning the years from 1946 until 1953, the Vinson Court made the legal transition from World War II to the Korean War, and the outspoken justices Felix Frankfurter and Hugo Black

  • Jay and Ellsworth, The First Courts

    inbunden, 2008, Engelska, ISBN 9781576078419

    A fascinating exploration of the first two Supreme Courts and how they laid the groundwork for the modern-day Court.When the Supreme Court was established in 1789, no other country

  • The Stone Court


    inbunden, 2001, Engelska, ISBN 9781576071533

    A comprehensive examination of the rulings, key figures, and legal legacy of the Stone Court. When President Franklin Roosevelt got the chance to appoint seven Supreme Court

  • The Hughes Court


    inbunden, 2002, Engelska, ISBN 9781576071977

    An in-depth analysis of the workings and legacy of the Supreme Court led by Charles Evans Hughes.Charles Evans Hughes, a man who, it was said, "looks like God and talks like God,"

  • The Rehnquist Court


    inbunden, 2006, Engelska, ISBN 9781576072004

    A detailed look at the Rehnquist Court's key figures, rulings, and major changes to U.S. constitutional law. Did the Rehnquist Court, which followed the liberal Warren Court and

  • The Burger Court


    inbunden, 2000, Engelska, ISBN 9781576071793

    A valuable analysis of the political environment, judicial records, and implications of rulings during the era of the Burger Court.The Burger Court delivered significant decisions