
  • The Wishing-table, the Gold-ass, and the Cudgel in the Sack


    6-9 år E-bok, 2020, Engelska, ISBN 9788726591736

    Can you imagine getting driven away from your home because of a lying goat? As impossible as it may sound, it happened to the three brothers in our story. Sadly only after the

  • Little Snow-White


    6-9 år E-bok, 2020, Engelska, ISBN 9788726591569

    Snow White is a marvelous girl "with skin white as snow, lips red as blood and hair black as ebony". Her step-mother however wants to be the most beautiful of all and when one day

  • Lean Lisa


    6-9 år E-bok, 2020, Engelska, ISBN 9788726590401

    Do you want to hear a story about one hard-working woman? Her name is Lean Lisa and she works from early morning to late evening. She is restless and is trying to figure out a way

  • The Good Bargain


    6-9 år E-bok, 2020, Engelska, ISBN 9788726592023

    Is it a good bargain to throw money to the frogs in the pond and then complain about the frogs’ behavior? Is it smart to give a slaughtered cow to the dogs and then expect

  • Going A-Travelling


    6-9 år E-bok, 2021, Engelska, ISBN 9788726590661

    Travelling is said to give you many unforgettable moments and experiences. The boy in our tale will for sure keep some memories but are they going to be good? He decided to repeat

  • Little Briar-Rose


    6-9 år E-bok, 2020, Engelska, ISBN 9788726591590

    The king and the queen’s long expected child is born and they decide to hold a feast. However a problem occurs. There are thirteen wise women in the land and they have only twelve

  • The Girl without Hands


    6-9 år E-bok, 2021, Engelska, ISBN 9788726591781

    Can you imagine having a father who would give you to the Devil in exchange for riches and wealth? The poor girl in our story had to endure not only this but getting her hands cut

  • The Crystal Ball


    6-9 år E-bok, 2020, Engelska, ISBN 9788726590111

    "The Crystal Ball" is a fairy tale about magic, fear and love. Three young brothers lead a difficult life with their mother who is afraid by her little sons who may take her

  • Simeli Mountain


    6-9 år E-bok, 2020, Engelska, ISBN 9788726590678

    Let me ask you something. Do you think mountains hide secrets? Or riches and treasures? Would you believe us if we told you that the boy in our story saw how twelve robbers entered

  • The Iron Stove


    6-9 år E-bok, 2020, Engelska, ISBN 9788726590821

    A poor prince is enchanted and turned into an iron stove. A princess stumbles upon the iron stove or the prince in other words and the prince begs her scrape a hole in the iron so