  • Biblical Women Speak


    pocket, 2023, Engelska, ISBN 9780827615144

    What were biblical women thinking and doing when the men around them received all the attention and glory? How did Leah, Rachel, and their handmaids negotiate the complicated

  • Biblical Women Unbound


    pocket, 2009, Engelska, ISBN 9780827607149

    Rosen gives a new voice to more than a dozen women of the Bible. She imagines and writes the missing chapters of these women’s lives in a witty and engaging collection of stories.

  • Chanting the Hebrew Bible


    pocket, 2005, Engelska, ISBN 9780827608160

    Joshua Jacobson’s 2002 edition—the comprehensive 1000-page guide to cantillation—is now available in this condensed, 300-page, user-friendly paperback edition. It is an ideal

  • Chanting the Hebrew Bible


    klotband, 2002, Engelska, ISBN 9780827606937

    Chanting the Hebrew Bible provides a fine history of the tradition and offers a comprehensive explanation of the practice, an explanation of regional variations and grammatical

  • Crown of Aleppo

    av ,

    klotband, 2010, Engelska, ISBN 9780827608955

    Thanks to this generous donor for making the publication of this book possible: Jack B. Dweck.The history and dramatic rescue of the oldest Hebrew Bible in book formIn Crown of

  • From Gods to God

    av ,

    pocket, 2012, Engelska, ISBN 9780827609082

    The ancient Israelites believed things that the writers of the Bible wanted them to forget: myths and legends from a pre-biblical world that the new monotheist order needed to

  • Hills of Spices

    pocket, 2006, Engelska, ISBN 9780827608269

    Beautiful verse from the world’s greatest book In the concluding lines of The Song of Songs, one lover beckons the other to hurry to the “hills of spices,” a place rich in

  • Jonah and the Meaning of Our Lives


    pocket, 2016, Engelska, ISBN 9780827612204

    The Book of Jonah stands unique among the biblical books of the prophets because it is almost entirely narrative. And, in contrast to all the other prophets portrayed as admirable

  • JPS Hebrew-English TANAKH

    pocket, 2003, Engelska, ISBN 9780827607668

    Now, for the first time, a pocket version of the JPS Hebrew-English TANAKH is available, with the same text and number of pages as the standard edition. Although smaller, the

  • JPS Hebrew-English TANAKH

    pocket, 2001, Engelska, ISBN 9780827606975

    The JPS Hebrew-English TANAKH features the oldest-known complete Hebrew version of the Holy Scriptures, side by side with JPS’s renowned English translation. Its well-designed