Arbete & industri / arbetsliv

  • Scrawl


    pocket, 2011, Engelska, ISBN 9781544140070

    The worst of the worst, he is notorious even within a notorious system. When the most violent prison riot in the history of human corrections threatens to bring down a prison's

  • Bus Driver, Bus Driver


    pocket, 2011, Engelska, ISBN 9781543285192

    She takes her job seriously. Whether it be unruly school children or an armed madman, she tolerates no mischief aboard her school bus. When confronted by her worst nightmare, this

  • Hunted is the Hunter


    pocket, 2008, Engelska, ISBN 9781544618227

    Every man who murders his wife and every wife who murders her husband does so with the firm belief that they will never be caught, although this belief belies the inevitably

  • Nine Lives


    pocket, 2007, Engelska, ISBN 9781544657219

    He has perfected the necessary skills, collected the requisite equipment, and buried the resultant bodies. Like a grotesque human hermit crab, he periodically sheds one shell for

  • A Needle Awaits


    pocket, 2007, Engelska, ISBN 9781544660424

    Lucky to survive the circumstances of his birth, he learned to make the most of a life that might have killed a lesser person. In fact, he learned to thrive. Via crime, he improved