Allmänna biografier

  • Tiger Woods


    pocket, 2024, Engelska, ISBN 9789464902662

    The book Tiger Woods provides an in-depth exploration of the life and career of Eldrick Tont "Tiger" Woods, an American golf legend who has left an indelible mark on the sport.

  • Jackie Robinson


    pocket, 2024, Engelska, ISBN 9789464902600

    The book Jackie Robinson unfolds the remarkable life of an American sports icon who transcended racial barriers and reshaped the landscape of Major League Baseball (MLB). Born in

  • Harry Kane


    pocket, 2024, Engelska, ISBN 9789464902440

    Harry Kane's book provides an in-depth exploration of the remarkable career of English football sensation, Harry Edward Kane. From his early days at Tottenham Hotspur to becoming

  • Kylian Mbapp?


    pocket, 2024, Engelska, ISBN 9789464902464

    Kylian Mbapp Story invites readers into the extraordinary journey of Kylian Mbapp Lottin, the French football sensation who has left an indelible mark on the global stage. Born

  • Hulk Hogan


    pocket, 2024, Engelska, ISBN 9789464902488

    Draped in the iconic red and yellow, Hulk Hogan, born Terry Gene Bollea, emerges as a towering figure in the realm of professional wrestling. Hulk Hogan's biography chronicles the

  • Babe Ruth


    pocket, 2024, Engelska, ISBN 9789464901160