Spesielle hendelser og emner

  • Cyfaill Pwy o''r Hen Wlad?


    e-bok, 2017, Valisisk, ISBN 9781786830593

    Dyma gyfrol sy’n ymdrin â hanes Cymry America yn y bedwaredd ganrif ar bymtheg, trwy lygaid y wasg gyfnodol Gymraeg. Cynrychiolai’r cyfnod rhwng 1838 ac 1866 ei hoes aur, ond

  • Hanes Gwobr Goffa Lady Herbert Lewis

    e-bok, 2019, Valisisk, ISBN 9781913996321

    A volume celebrating the story of performing folk songs at the Welsh National Eisteddfod and the 65th anniversary of the Lady Herbert Lewis Folk Song competition. This is a unique

  • Creithiau

    e-bok, 2016, Valisisk, ISBN 9781783168934
    Fra 129,-

    Er gwaethaf pwysigrwydd canolog y Rhyfel Mawr yn hanes modern Cymru, prin iawn yw’r gweithiau academaidd sy’n olrhain dylanwad maleisus a phellgyrhaeddol y rhyfel ar ddiwylliant a

  • Faciwî, Y


    e-bok, 2013, Valisisk, ISBN 9781847717702

    The remarkable story of Barbara Warlow Davies who was edacuated at the age of four from Liverpool to Talgareg in Ceredigion, during the Second World War.

  • Pam na fu Cymru


    e-bok, 2015, Valisisk, ISBN 9781783162345
    Fra 103,-

    During the nineteenth century, the Age of Nationalism, small stateless nations all over Europe developed successful national movements which demanded rights for minority language

  • Pen ar y Bloc


    e-bok, 2018, Valisisk, ISBN 9781784615185

    A unique and witty account of Welsh politics during the past decades by the discerning commentator Vaughan Roderick, including 43 photographs.

  • Y Chwyldro Ffrengig a''r Anterliwt


    e-bok, 2014, Valisisk, ISBN 9781783160792
    Fra 90,-

    Dyma olygiad o anterliwt gan Huw Jones, Glanconwy, o gyfnod cythryblus y Chwyldro Ffrengig. Cyhoeddwyd y testun ym 1798, ond ni chafodd unrhyw sylw gan ysgolheigion yr anterliwt yn

  • Ein Stori Ni


    e-bok, 2017, Valisisk, ISBN 9781784614805

    A book full of fascinating, little-known facts about Wales. Stories about the huge contribution of this small nation to the world are presented, such as the most advanced laws in