
  • Learning R


    heftet, 2013, Engelsk, ISBN 9781449357108

    Learn how to perform data analysis with the R language and software environment, even if you have little or no programming experience. With the tutorials in this hands-on guide,

  • Building for Business

    av ,

    heftet, 2018, Engelsk, ISBN 9781492024781

    If you’re new to software product management or just want to learn more about it, there’s plenty of advice available—but most of it is geared toward consumer products. Creating

  • Site Reliability Engineering

    av , , mfl.

    heftet, 2016, Engelsk, ISBN 9781491929124

    The overwhelming majority of a software system's lifespan is spent in use, not in design or implementation. So, why does conventional wisdom insist that software engineers focus

  • Python for Excel


    heftet, 2021, Engelsk, ISBN 9781492081005

    While Excel remains ubiquitous in the business world, recent Microsoft feedback forums are full of requests to include Python as an Excel scripting language. In fact, it's the top

  • R Cookbook

    av ,

    heftet, 2019, Engelsk, ISBN 9781492040682

    Perform data analysis with R quickly and efficiently with more than 275 practical recipes in this expanded second edition. The R language provides everything you need to do

  • Data Analysis with R


    heftet, 2014, Engelsk, ISBN 9781449359010

    Learn how to program by diving into the R language, and then use your newfound skills to solve practical data science problems. With this book, you'll learn how to load data,

  • Python for Algorithmic Trading


    heftet, 2020, Engelsk, ISBN 9781492053354

    Algorithmic trading, once the exclusive domain of institutional players, is now open to small organizations and individual traders using online platforms. The tool of choice for

  • Slide:ology


    heftet, 2008, Engelsk, ISBN 9780596522346

    Over the last fifteen years, professional communications have changed drastically. Presentations are the primary way we communicate. There is a proliferation of presentation

  • Modernizing Enterprise Java

    av ,

    heftet, 2021, Engelsk, ISBN 9781098102142

    While containers, microservices, and distributed systems dominate discussions in the tech world, the majority of applications in use today still run monolithic architectures that

  • Semantic Software Design


    heftet, 2019, Engelsk, ISBN 9781492045953

    With this practical book, architects, CTOs, and CIOs will learn a set of patterns for the practice of architecture, including analysis, documentation, and communication. Author