
  • Effective Python


    heftet, 2020, Engelsk, ISBN 9780134853987

    Updated and Expanded for Python 3 It’s easy to start developing programs with Python, which is why the language is so popular. However, Python’s unique strengths, charms, and

  • Effective SQL

    av , ,

    heftet, 2017, Engelsk, ISBN 9780134578897

    “Given the authors’ reputations, I expected to be impressed. I was blown away! . . . Most SQL books sit on my shelf. This one will live on my desk.” –Roger Carlson, Microsoft

  • Effective Python


    heftet, 2015, Engelsk, ISBN 9780134034287

    “Each item in Slatkin’s Effective Python teaches a self-contained lesson with its own source code. This makes the book random-access: Items are easy to browse and study in whatever