Politiske ideologier

  • The Anatomy of Fascism


    pocket, 2005, Engelsk, ISBN 9780141014326

    Fascism was the major political invention of the twentieth century and the source of much of its pain. How can we try to comprehend its allure and its horror? Is it a philosophy, a

  • Karl Marx? (Tm)S Ecosocialism


    pocket, 2017, Engelsk, ISBN 9781583676400

    Reveals the ideal of a sustainable ecosocialist world in Marx's writings Karl Marx, author of what is perhaps the world's most resounding and significant critique of bourgeois

  • Det er nok nå


    pocket, 2022, Norsk (bokmål), ISBN 9788283421378

    Mange av oss sliter med stress og følelsen av å være i en evig konkurranse med andre mennesker. Vi oppfordres til å stadig strekke oss lenger, og selvhjelpsbøker topper

  • Free


    pocket, 2022, Engelsk, ISBN 9780141995106

    THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER WINNER OF THE ONDAATJE PRIZE 'The best book I read last year by a mile. . . so beautifully written that anyone would be hooked' Laura Hackett, Sunday

  • The Society of the Spectacle


    pocket, 2021, Engelsk, ISBN 9781922491282

    'The Debordian analysis of modern life resonates more deeply and darkly than perhaps even its creator thought possible...' - The New Yorker'Never before has Debord's work seemed

  • Reiulf Steen


    pocket, 2020, Norsk (bokmål), ISBN 9788202681456

    Reiulf Steen. Historien, triumfen og tragediene er spennende og lærerik norgeshistorie, men mest av alt et gripende portrett av et sterkt sammensatt menneske. Knapt noen politiker

  • The State and Revolution


    pocket, 2009, Engelsk, ISBN 9780140184358

    In July 1917, when the Provisional Government issued a warrant for his arrest, Lenin fled from Petrograd; later that year, the October Revolution swept him to supreme power. In the

  • M


    pocket, 2024, Norsk (bokmål), ISBN 9788202829827

    Romanen om Benito Mussolini, en av de mest beryktede diktatorene i forrige århundre, og fascismens fødsel. I 1919 er verdenskrigen som har ødelagt og ruinert Europa, endelig over.

  • Anarcho-Indigenism

    pocket, 2023, Engelsk, ISBN 9780745349220

    'Vigorously affirming anarchism's plurality, the authors make a powerful case for the reconfiguration of anticolonial struggle' Ruth Kinna, Professor, Loughborough University As

  • Capital


    pocket, 1992, Engelsk, ISBN 9780140445695

    The "forgotten" second volume of Capital, Marx's world-shaking analysis of economics, politics, and history, contains the vital discussion of commodity, the cornerstone to Marx's