Ordbøker og språk

  • ??? The Monkey's Paw


    pocket, 2023, Japanese, ISBN 9781835662656

    経験のある人は彼らについて静かですkeiken no aru hito wa karera nitsuite shizuka desuthose with experience have a quiet about them兵士は冷静に若者を見ましたheishi wa reisei ni wakamono wa mi mashi tathe soldier

  • ????????? / The Voyage to Lilliput


    pocket, 2023, Japanese, ISBN 9781835660836

    私はたまたま仰向けに寝ていましたwatashi wa tamatama aomuke ni ne te iya mashi taI had happened to fall asleep on my backそして今、私の腕と脚は地面に固定されましたsoshite ima 、 watashi no ude to ashi wa jimen ni kotei

  • Animal Farm / ????


    pocket, 2023, Japanese, ISBN 9781835661680

    "I do not know when that Rebellion will come"「その反乱がいつ来るかわからない」"nothing says it can't be in a week from now"「今から一週間後にはあり得ないとは何も言わない」"or it could come in a hundred

  • Beauty and the Beast / ?????


    pocket, 2023, Japanese, ISBN 9781835660300

    "But apart from my ugliness, I also have no sense"「しかし、私の醜さは別として、私にも意味がありません」"I know very well that I am a silly creature"「私は自分が愚かな生き物であることをよく知っています」"It is no sign of folly to

  • The Little Mermaid / ???·?????


    pocket, 2023, Japanese, ISBN 9781835662878

    When it grew dark, a number of colored lamps were lighted辺りが暗くなると、色とりどりのランプがいくつも灯されたthe sailors and royal family danced merrily on the deck船員と王室は甲板で陽気に踊ったThe little mermaid could

  • The Fisherman and his Soul / ??????


    pocket, 2023, Japanese, ISBN 9781835660492

    his Soul called out to him彼の魂は彼に呼びかけた"I have dwelt with thee for all these years"「わたしは、この数年間、あなたと共に住んできた」"and I have been thy servant"「わたしはあなたのしもべでした」"Don't send me away from

  • Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp / ????????????


    pocket, 2023, Japanese, ISBN 9781835660669
  • The Nightingale and the Rose / ??????????


    pocket, 2023, Japanese, ISBN 9781835660096

    'She said that she would dance with me if I brought her red roses'「赤いバラを持ってきたら一緒に踊るって言ってたよ」'but in all my garden there is no red rose' cried the young

  • The Diaries of Adam and Eve / ?????????


    pocket, 2023, Japanese, ISBN 9781835661871

    she says they weren't apples, but instead that they were chestnuts彼女はそれらがリンゴではなく、代わりに栗だったと言いますI said I was innocent since I had not eaten any chestnuts私は栗を食べていないので無実だと言いましたbut the