Offentlig administrasjon

  • Quality Matters


    heftet, 2020, Engelsk, ISBN 9781138513860

    Information--regular, systematic, reliable--is the life-blood of democracy and the fuel of effective management. Surely today there is no problem with information, for this is the

  • Cyber Society, Big Data, and Evaluation

    heftet, 2018, Engelsk, ISBN 9781138483033

    We are living in a cyber society. Mobile devices, social media, the Internet, crime cameras, and other diverse sources can be pulled together to form massive datasets, known as big

  • Evaluation


    heftet, 2018, Engelsk, ISBN 9781138509856

    Evaluation has come of age. Today most social and political observers would have difficulty imagining a society where evaluation is not a fixture of daily life, from individual

  • Evaluating the Complex

    heftet, 2017, Engelsk, ISBN 9781138509832

    In the economic atmosphere following the crisis of 2008, not only have governments reacted by creating more complex policy initiatives, but they have also promised that all of