Mote og samfunn

  • The Dictionary of Fashion History

    av , ,

    heftet, 2021, Engelsk, ISBN 9781350216686

    - What is an Apollo knot? - Who wore a Welch wig? - When were Zouave jackets the height of fashion? This new edition of The Dictionary of Fashion History further updates the

  • Religion, Dress and the Body

    innbundet, 1999, Engelsk, ISBN 9781859732922

    Religions constrain the bodies of their members through dress. In many cases, dress immediately identifies a member of the community to the outside world and separates them from a

  • Fashioning London


    innbundet, 2004, Engelsk, ISBN 9781859737873

    Over the past three centuries, London has established itself as one of the worlds most inventive fashion capitals. City life and fashion have always been intertwined, but nowhere

  • Dressed In Fiction


    innbundet, 2005, Engelsk, ISBN 9781845201715

    When we look closely at dress in a novel we begin to enrich our sense of the novel's historical and social context. More than this, wealth, class, beauty and moral rectitude can

  • Unzipping Gender


    innbundet, 2004, Engelsk, ISBN 9781859737200

    Transvestitism, and its cultural practice, is a useful lens through which models of sex, gender and sexuality can be debated. Drawing on primary fieldwork, this work offers a

  • Clothing the Pacific

    innbundet, 2003, Engelsk, ISBN 9781859736661

    During the colonial period, Pacific Islanders acceptance of clothing was seen by Europeans as a civilizing sign. In reality, Islanders use of foreign cloth and clothing generally

  • Through the Wardrobe

    innbundet, 2001, Engelsk, ISBN 9781859733837

    Relating to clothes is a fundamental experience in the lives of most Western women. Even when choice is fraught with ambivalence, clothing matters. From considerations about

  • I Want Those Shoes


    innbundet, 2006, Italiensk, ISBN 9780747582465

    'Shoes possess magic powers,' writes journalist and shoe obsessive Paola Jacobbi as she totters her way through the history of women's footwear and wonders why it is that women (

  • Fashion and Modernity

    innbundet, 2005, Engelsk, ISBN 9781845200275

    If fashion is an expression of individuality, why do we all dress alike? Can modernity be described as the experience of 'feeling modern' and, if so, what part does fashion play?

  • New Raiments of Self


    innbundet, 1997, Engelsk, ISBN 9781859731840

    This book examines the clothing worn by African Americans in the southern United States during the thirty years before the American Civil War. Drawing on a wide range of sources,