Mote og samfunn

  • Fashion under Fascism


    heftet, 2004, Engelsk, ISBN 9781859737781

    When we think of Italian fashion, Gucci, Max Mara and the meteoric rise of Prada immediately spring to mind. But Italian fashion has a dark history that has not previously been

  • Fashion History

    av ,

    heftet, 2018, Engelsk, ISBN 9781350105690

    Fashion History: A Global View proposes a new perspective on fashion history. Arguing that fashion has occurred in cultures beyond the West throughout history, this groundbreaking

  • The Social Life of Kimono


    heftet, 2020, Engelsk, ISBN 9781350211186

    The kimono is an iconic garment with a history as rich and colourful as the textiles from which it is crafted. Deeply associated with Japanese culture both past and present, it has

  • Religion, Dress and the Body

    heftet, 1999, Engelsk, ISBN 9781859732977

    Religions constrain the bodies of their members through dress. In many cases, dress immediately identifies a member of the community to the outside world and separates them from a

  • Japanese Fashion Cultures


    heftet, 2014, Engelsk, ISBN 9781472532800

    From Rococo to Edwardian fashions, Japanese street style has reinvented many western dress styles, reinterpreting and altering their meanings and messages in a different cultural

  • Vampire Culture


    heftet, 2013, Engelsk, ISBN 9780857850751

    Unique and exciting, this ethnographic study is the first to address a little-known subculture, which holds a fascination for many. The first decade of the twenty-first century has

  • Unzipping Gender


    heftet, 2004, Engelsk, ISBN 9781859737255

    How does culture shape notions of sexuality and gender? Why are transvestites in the West so often seen as deviant or perverse, while they are accepted in other societies? What are

  • The Geographies of Fashion


    heftet, 2017, Engelsk, ISBN 9781472589552

    Clothes are inherently geographical objects, yet few of us consider the social and economic significance of their journey from design to production to consumption. The Geographies

  • Fashion Studies


    heftet, 2019, Engelsk, ISBN 9781350133914

    The study of fashion has expanded into a thriving field of inquiry, with researchers utilizing diverse methods from across subject disciplines to explore fashion and dress in

  • Through the Wardrobe

    heftet, 2003, Engelsk, ISBN 9781859733882

    This text sets out to fill a gap in the existing literature on the ambivalence of fashion and dress by drawing on a wide range of women's experiences with their wardrobes, and