
  • Vanquished


    e-bok, 2021, Engelsk, ISBN 9781913802394

    Volume 1 - The prince of Valenguard is a little weird. Everybody thinks so, but what they don't know is that she is actually transgender! It's the day of the big war meeting, and

  • Ketsueki


    e-bok, 2016, Engelsk, ISBN 9781620982518

    The Witch Queen Rorien and her demon hordes, led by the cruel Batsu, are overrunning the land, destroying everything in their path. The demons have besieged the Shogun's castle.

  • Blue Sparkles


    e-bok, 2016, Engelsk, ISBN 9781911243014

    Walpurgis is a sacred feast in Fairyland. Bathed in moonlight, the fairy princess and the heir of Thunderland dance and enchant all guests with their ethereal moves. But the