Lyd, vibrasjon og bølger

  • Music Technology Essentials


    heftet, 2023, Engelsk, ISBN 9781032384542

    Music Technology Essentials provides an overview of the vocabulary, techniques, concepts, and devices used in contemporary music production and guides readers through the essential

  • Fundamental Physics of Ultrasound


    heftet, 1988, Engelsk, ISBN 9782881246845

    Based on lectures by the author, this volume is designed as a textbook on general ultrasonics. The text provides coverage of the propagation of ultrasonic waves in media with

  • Field Theory


    heftet, 2022, Engelsk, ISBN 9780367154912

    Presents recent advances of perturbative relativistic field theory in a pedagogical and straightforward way. For graduate students who intend to specialize in high-energy physics.

  • Aural Diversity

    heftet, 2022, Engelsk, ISBN 9781032024998

    Aural Diversity addresses a fundamental methodological challenge in music and soundscape research by considering the nature of hearing as a spectrum of diverse experiences.