Kunst- og designstiler: Fra ca. 1960 -

  • The Photograph as Contemporary Art


    heftet, 2020, Engelsk, ISBN 9780500204481

    In the 21st century photography has come of age as a contemporary art form. Almost two centuries after photographic technology was first invented, the art world has fully embraced

  • Art Since 1960


    heftet, 2015, Engelsk, ISBN 9780500204245

    This accessible overview is invaluable for the way in which it makes coherent sense of the often-bewildering diversity of styles, forms, media, techniques, and agendas that

  • Art Since 1989


    heftet, 2015, Engelsk, ISBN 9780500204269

    The years since 1989 have seen a complete untethering of what art can be, who makes it and where it can be found, which has been matched by a reassessment of art's appropriate

  • The Art of Contemporary China


    heftet, 2021, Engelsk, ISBN 9780500204382

    Fulfilling a need for an accessible, affordable introduction to a subject of sustained and growing significance in contemporary culture, this volume in the World of Art series

  • Pop Art


    heftet, 1967, Engelsk, ISBN 9780500200520

    Pop Art embodied the spirit of the 1960s. Despite its carnival aspects, its orgiastic colour and giant scale, it was based on a tough, no-nonsense, no-refinement standard

  • David Hockney


    heftet, 2017, Engelsk, ISBN 9780500204344

    One of the most popular and influential British artists of our times, David Hockney has never ceased to change his style and ways of working, always re-energizing his art with new

  • New Media in Art


    heftet, 2005, Engelsk, ISBN 9780500203781

    Modern art, reflecting and defining new intellectual, scientific and technological developments, has radically extended the conventional media of sculpture and painting. Following

  • Contemporary African Art


    heftet, 2020, Engelsk, ISBN 9780500293591

    Contemporary African art has grown out of the diverse histories and cultural heritage of the African continent and its diaspora. It is not characterized by any particular style,