Konstitusjonelle og administrasjon

  • Disoriented


    pocket, 2000, Engelsk, ISBN 9780814716113

    Does "Asian American" denote an ethnic or racial identification? Is a person of mixed ancestry, the child of Euro- and Asian American parents, Asian American? What does it mean to

  • Interracial Justice


    pocket, 2000, Engelsk, ISBN 9780814796962

    The United States in the twenty-first century will be a nation of so-called minorities. Shifts in the composition of the American populace necessitate a radical change in the ways

  • Hybrid


    pocket, 1996, Engelsk, ISBN 9780814715383

    The United States, and the West in general, has always organized society along bipolar lines. We are either gay or straight, male or female, white or not, disabled or not. In

  • Mixed Race America and the Law

    pocket, 2003, Engelsk, ISBN 9780814742570

    For the first time in United States history, the Year 2000 census allowed people to check more than one box to identify their race. This new way of gathering data and

  • Opening the Floodgates


    pocket, 2009, Engelsk, ISBN 9780814743096

    Seeking to re-imagine the meaning and significance of the international border, Opening the Floodgates makes a case for eliminating the border as a legal construct that impedes the

  • Aftermath


    pocket, 2001, Engelsk, ISBN 9780814747438

    With the specter of prosecution after his term is over and the possibility of disbarment in Arkansas hanging over President Clinton, the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal and the events

  • The Disability Pendulum


    pocket, 2007, Engelsk, ISBN 9780814716809

    Signed into law in July 1990, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) became effective two years later, and court decisions about the law began to multiply in the middle of the

  • Black Rage Confronts the Law


    pocket, 1999, Engelsk, ISBN 9780814735923

    Traces the origins of the black rage defense in criminal court history In 1971, Paul Harris pioneered the modern version of the black rage defense when he successfully defended a

  • The Reproductive Rights Reader

    pocket, 2008, Engelsk, ISBN 9780814722312

    Since the passage of Roe v. Wade, the debate over reproductive rights has dominated America’s courts, legislatures, and streets. The contributors to The Reproductive Rights Reader

  • The First Amendment in Cross-Cultural Perspective


    pocket, 2009, Engelsk, ISBN 9780814748251

    The First Amendment—and its guarantee of free speech for all Americans—has been at the center of scholarly and public debate since the birth of the Constitution, and the fervor in