Historie og kritikk

  • The Provoked Wife


    heftet, 2003, Engelsk, ISBN 9780713666656

    In this late Restoration comedy Vanbrugh not only pushes the unhappily married couple, which had been good for no more than a raucous subplot in earlier comedies of manners,

  • The White Devil


    heftet, 2021, Engelsk, ISBN 9781350059948

    This fully re-edited, modernised play text is accompanied by insightful commentary notes, while its lively introduction explains why Webster’s interests in complex female lead

  • The Beaux' Stratagem


    heftet, 2005, Engelsk, ISBN 9780713670004

    It attests to Farquhar's stature as a man that he composed this warm-hearted and vibrant play while he was dying. Like The Recruiting Officer, the play is set in a provincial town

  • She Stoops to Conquer


    heftet, 2003, Engelsk, ISBN 9780713667943

    The action of She Stoops to Conquer (1773) is largely confined to a night and a day in Squire Hardcastle's somewhat dilapidated country house: Young Marlow, on his way there to

  • The Tragedy of Mariam


    heftet, 2010, Engelsk, ISBN 9780713688764

    The Tragedy of Mariam, the Fair Queen of Jewry is a Jacobean closet drama by Elizabeth Tanfield Cary. First published in 1613, it was the first work by a woman to be published

  • Women Beware Women


    heftet, 2002, Engelsk, ISBN 9780713666632

    One of the great Renaissance playwrights, Middleton wrote tragedies essentially different from either Marlowe's or Shakespeare's, being wittier than the former and more grittily

  • The Alchemist


    heftet, 2010, Engelsk, ISBN 9781408110201
    Fra 163,-

    The Alchemist is set during a plague epidemic in the Liberty of Blackfriars in 1610 - and was first performed on tour in 1610 by the company whose London home at Blackfriars was

  • She Stoops to Conquer


    innbundet, 2017, ISBN 9781474261166

    The action of She Stoops to Conquer (1773) is largely confined to a night and a day in Squire Hardcastle's somewhat dilapidated country house: Young Marlow, on his way there to

  • Marriage A-La-Mode


    heftet, 2003, Engelsk, ISBN 9780713666663

    Dryden's audiences in 1671, both aristocratic and middle-class, would have been quick to respond to the themes of disputed royal succession, Francophilia and loyalty among subjects

  • The Relapse


    heftet, 1987, Engelsk, ISBN 9780713628876

    Written in defiance of Jeremy Collier and the budding fashion for sentimental drama, this late Restoration comedy exposes the reformed rake Loveless to the temptations of London