
  • Klimat Ziemi


    pocket, 2024, Engelsk, ISBN 9783758372230

    Piotr Jakubowski is a physicist and universal philosopher who has extended his Unified Physics to a Unified Description of the entire Universe, including life and human

  • Gedanken zum Leib-Seele-Problem


    pocket, 2024, Tysk, ISBN 9783758383441

    In diesem dritten fiktiven Dialog diskutieren der Physikalist H. und der Naturalist M. verschiedene L sungen des psycho-physischen Grundproblems; sie fragen nach dem gleichsam

  • Archimedes constant


    pocket, 2024, Engelsk, ISBN 9783758373565

    This book represents a free-spirited, non scientific approach and common interpretation. The attempt to fill the apparent arbitrariness with a philosophical narrative and create an