
  • Votes and Budgets

    e-bok, 2016, Engelsk, ISBN 9781349242863

    This book presents case-studies in accountable government and the management of public funds, with particular reference to the multi-party political systems of Botswana, Jamaica,

  • Poverty Reduction and Changing Policy Regimes in Botswana

    e-bok, 2013, Engelsk, ISBN 9781137270177

    An examination of how Botswana overcame the legacies of exceptional resource deficiency and colonial neglect, to transform itself from one of the poorest nations of the world to a

  • Liberal Model and Africa


    e-bok, 2001, Engelsk, ISBN 9780230001138

    This book critically examines the realities of liberal democracy; its elitism and non-accountability; and its inequalities and injustices. Participatory systems and movements,