Psykologi & Pedagogik

  • Teaching Artistic Research

    storpocket, 2020, Engelska, ISBN 9783110662399

    With artistic research becoming an established paradigm in art education, several questions arise. How do we train young artists and designers to actively engage in the production

  • Perspectives on Art Education

    storpocket, 2015, Engelska, ISBN 9783110440782

    Die Ausbildung von Lehrerinnen und Lehrern an Kunstuniversitäten befindet sich im Wandel. Sie steht vor den großen Herausforderungen wesentlicher kultureller, technologischer,

  • EDU:TRANSVERSAL No. 02/2024

    storpocket, 2024, Engelska, ISBN 9783111365374

    New interdisciplinary research in education Given the current demands on schools and the challenges they face in an increasingly complex and volatile world, new and visionary

  • Bilding

    storpocket, 2015, Tyska, ISBN 9783110438154

    Die freie Auseinandersetzung mit dem Medium Fotografie schließt die Verwendung von Ausdrucksformen wie Zeichnung, Video, Sound, Performance und raumbezogene Installationen mit ein.

  • CrossSections

    storpocket, 2020, Engelska, ISBN 9783110716481

    This book documents the “CrossSections” project (2017–2019), an interdisciplinary platform for artistic research, artistic dialogue, and artistic production curated by Basak

  • EDU:TRANSVERSAL No. 01/2022

    storpocket, 2022, Engelska, ISBN 9783110791631

    Interdisciplinary educational turn The challenges of a complex and volatile world require solutions that reconcile divergent perspectives and interests. In schools,

  • Art & Design Education in Times of Change

    storpocket, 2017, Engelska, ISBN 9783110525120

    It has always been the case that the teaching of art has had to deal with social changes. We are currently facing historic challenges and phenomena which we could never have

  • Reise in die Welt der Sinne


    storpocket, 2016, Tyska, ISBN 9783110477429

    Unsere Welt besteht aus vielschichtigen Systemen, deren Komplexität kreative Verhaltensweisen fordert: Globale Umbrüche rufen unerwartete Veränderungen hervor, kreative Köpfe