
Multikulturell utbildning

  • Eternal Journey


    E-bok, 2022, Engelska, ISBN 9783756558223

    Cover storyEternal. A short word for a small infinity. As in the name of heaven, how does a human even come up with this idea?What does life tell us that we assume an infinite

  • Soul Searching


    E-bok, 2022, Engelska, ISBN 9783756557783

    Life is a search, but the search is a journey of the soulful living being. Whatever obstacles, bodies and events happen, the inner power of the soul keeps searching for the way

  • Homecoming


    E-bok, 2022, Engelska, ISBN 9783756558186

    PLUS - Homecoming - Jan Wolter (Yasomatinandana dasa)HomecomingThe journey continues. In this issue of "e;Travel, Learn, Grow"e; called Homecoming we find the source of

  • Overall Balance


    E-bok, 2022, Engelska, ISBN 9783756558148

    Ancient Wisdom for a fresh, modern life. Life is unity, balance and natural difference. The pursuit of this and the natural, God-given presence of life make it possible to

  • Where We Will Wonder


    E-bok, 2022, Engelska, ISBN 9783756558124

    Wisdom of the Vedas and Yoga in a refreshing new perspective. Come along a travel to ponder about the worlds wonder. The wonders of the world are in the questions of truth. Who

  • Das Suchen der Seele


    E-bok, 2022, Tyska, ISBN 9783756557776

    Das Suchen der Seeleim Herze eines Reisenden auf mystischer EntdeckungsreiseDieses Werk kommt mit auf jede Reise…Leben ist eine Suche, doch ist das Suchen eine Reise des beseelten

  • Peace Love Unity


    E-bok, 2022, Engelska, ISBN 9783756558162

    One work, one journey, three holies in person. In the name of the universal renewal of spirituality, which has a loving message, the author made many fabulous experiences where

  • Minimalism


    E-bok, 2022, Engelska, ISBN 9783756558339

    During the composition of this book, the author travelled with a small belly bag and three dozen utensils, such as passport, smartphone, prayer beads and hygiene articles for 10

  • Das Lernen des Selbst


    E-bok, 2022, Tyska, ISBN 9783756558087

    Das Leben ist eine ewige Erfahrung des Wandels, des Lernens und des Wachsens. Insbesondere Wahrhaftigkeit und Liebe, Reinheit und Mitgefühl, sowie die lehrreiche Verbindung zur

  • Travel Learn Grow


    E-bok, 2022, Engelska, ISBN 9783756558094

    Life is an eternal experience of change, learning and growth. In particular, truthfulness and love, purity and compassion, as well as the instructive connection to the Supreme